Carevel experience

At Carevel Career, every person can make a difference. Join us on our journey to enhance the mark point-of-care experience.
ICU Beds Manufacturers

Carevel Career

Carevel Medical Systems Private Limited is a privately owned organisation led by an Experienced & Competent team providing excellent service to both public and private hospitals. Carevel was established to provide unparallel products & service and support to the entire Healthcare Industry. We have an efficient infrastructure and highly trained and multi-skilled staff to bring you a range of services to suit every situation.
We are BSCIC ISO 13485:2016, BSCIC ISO 9001:2015, UKICL SEFA-3:2010, RAPL ISO 14001:2015, RAPL ISO 14001:2018, OTABU ISO 50001: 2018, OTABU WHO-GMP, UKICL AIOTA certified, BIFMA company engaged in the business of manufacturing and marketing full range of Medical Furniture.

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