About US We are here for your care

We are a popular firm of this domain, involved in manufacturing, supplying, trading, exporting and importing a wide range of Medical Equipment....

Our Core values

Emergency Service

Who we are

We are a popular firm of this domain, involved in manufacturing, supplying, trading, exporting and importing a wide range of Medical Equipment. Offered range is widely appreciated across the market for their sturdy designs and optimum performance.Company was established to provide unparallel products service and support to the entire Healthcare Industry. We have an efficient infrastructure and highly trained and multi-skilled staff to bring you a range of services to suit every situation.

We are a Group of Professionals

At Company, Integrity and Trustworthiness, are the basis of our commitment to our customers and employees. Company values a strong culture of trustworthiness towards its employees and from its employees. These values form the backbone of the organisation and will continue to provide the framework to realize Company'S potential and goal in the future. We focus on innovation that helps us deliver solutions that best serve our clients and customers.


We are BSCIC ISO 13485:2016, BSCIC ISO 9001:2015, UKICL SEFA-3:2010, RAPL ISO 14001:2015, RAPL ISO 14001:2018, OTABU ISO 50001: 2018, OTABU WHO-GMP, UKICL AIOTA certified, BIFMA company engaged in the business of manufacturing and marketing full range of Medical Furniture.


Strictly follow fair business practices, believes in transparency and ethics. Committed to providing our customers Economical, Cost Effective, High Quality Products and Services in the shortest possible time schedule.


At Carevel, we believe in "Care with Innovations" and with a sense of urgency to deliver innovations. We are inspired by the needs of our customers and the doctors and healthcare providers. This passion combined with Carevel world-class engineering transforms the service into best in class product and quality assurance. The energy and enthusiasm in each of us bring everyday to Carevel is palpable. We are constantly in the pursuit of better patient care and understand that speed is critical because life cannot wait. There are three fundamental pillars that serve as the foundation for our company.

Our Speciality

At Company, Integrity and Trustworthiness, are the basis of our commitment to our customers and employees. Company values a strong culture of trustworthiness towards its employees.

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We are a popular firm of this domain, involved in manufacturing, supplying, trading, exporting and importing a wide range of Medical Equipment. Offered range is widely appreciated across the market for their sturdy designs and optimum performance. Company was established to provide unparallel products service and support to the entire Healthcare Industry. We have an efficient infrastructure and highly trained and multi-skilled staff to bring you a range of services to suit every situation.